The Maha Samadhi of Swami Sadhanananda Giri Maharaj
The Maha Samadhi of Swami Sadhanananda Giri Maharaj
The 8th of July 2018 saw the Maha Samadhi of our Beloved Guruji, Swami Sadhanananda Giri Maharaj. ‘Maha Samadhi’ is the act of consciously and intentionally leaving one’s physical body at the time of death. The time is known by the Guru.
Guruji had been physically unwell for some time prior to His Maha Samadhi. He had been in hospital for tests for a few days and was admitted to the Intensive Care Unit after a significant event on May 23rd 2018. Gurumoyee Ma explained the significance of this event in Her speech during Guru Purnima on July 27th 2018. In His most loving and compassionate way Guruji gave His children time to prepare for and come to terms with leaving His Physical Body. During this time Guruji’s disciples all around the world practiced Prayer, Seva and Kriya Meditation with Guruji in mind. Disciples worldwide received the heart-breaking news of Guruji’s passing on July 8th, 2018. Many received the news from a beloved guru brother in India:
“Our Gurudev has merged with the cosmic consciousness of Swami Bhabananda Giri, at Indian time 4.45 afternoon. Joy Guru.”
In Memoriam
Swami Sadhanananda Giri Maharaj
“With Pranam always to Our Beloved Gurudeva
Your Mortal Frame has gone from our presence, yet Your Presence is always with us
“We will miss Your smiling Face.
Your twinkle in Your eyes and that faraway Look that lets us know a little more of Who You Are
The Wisdom of Your words and the soft Touch of Your Blessings that You so Freely gave and are still giving to us all
The sound of Your voice and laughter
You are not a Mortal Frame, yet we loved Your Beautiful Mortal Frame!! A Father to all!! Thakur
It is ok to weep
It is ok to be sad
It is ok to have different emotions coursing through our physical frames.
We are on this human journey to learn and to learn to let go and surrender.
So, during this time let us remember that our hearts are feeling many different emotions and allow tolerance and understanding to rise in our hearts and minds for ourselves and for others.
OM Saha Návavatu
Saha nau Bhunaktu
Saha víryam Karavávahai
Tejasvi Návashítam astu.
Má vidvisávahai
May The Lord Protect us both.
May He nourish us both.
May we be given strength.
May our reflective study of The Scriptures be illuminated.
May we not oppose.
(Beloved Gurumoyee Ma wrote the above message on the 9th July 2018)
Swami Sadhanananda Giri Maharaj – Maha Samadhi Ritual and Last Rites
On the 11th July 2018, the Maha Samadhi Ritual and Last Rites of Swami Sadhanananda Giri were held in Jujersha Yogashram, Howrah, West Bengal.
During the Maha Samadhi Ritual, Guruji’s mortal Physical Frame was seated upright in a chair at the Sri Guru Mandir. Hundreds of devotees pranamed and offered flowers at His Holy Feet.
The Ceremony of Last Rites was performed under the supervision of Swami Vedanandaji Giri Maharaj.
Guruji’s powerful Physical Frame was carried tenderly from the Sri Guru Mandir to the Samadhi Mandir and placed in the Sacred Ground of His ‘Garbhagriha’ (underground tomb). He was placed seated in lotus posture, surrounded by sand, clay and salt taken from the Sacred River Ganges.
The tomb was then closed and sealed.
Guruji’s Resting Place
Beautiful white marble stones carved by one of Guruji’s direct disciples have since been placed above the tomb in the Samadhi Mandir. Guruji is honoured daily at the Mandir with great devotion. Swami Kripananda and Swami Kushalananda (monks at the Ashram) perform daily Arti (the ceremony of lights) at both the Samadhi Mandir and the Sri Guru Mandir.
Paying Respect to Guruji from Afar
Guruji’s many disciples worldwide who were unable to attend the Maha Samadhi Ritual and Last Rites watched the ceremonies being live screened from Jujersha Yogashram on the 11th July from 10.30am-2.00pm Indian time. They lit candles at altars in their homes.
In solidarity with the ceremonies in India on July 11th, 2018 a gathering was held at Gurumoyee Ma’s house in Dublin from 10am- 5pm Irish time.
Many devotees gathered to remember and recall personal times spent with Guruji, much like in the tradition of the Irish ‘Wake’. Kriya was performed in front of a beautiful altar and Guruji’s Divine Energy and Presence radiated throughout Gurumoyee Ma’s Home.
“With Pranam to Our Beloved Gurudeva.
All ready here for Honouring and paying respect to Our Guruji.
We are Spending the day together quietly in tune with The Auspicious Ceremonies for Maha Samadhi of Our Beloved Guruji. We are all one family together in this Most Sacred of Days”
(Written by Gurumoyee Ma on the 11th July 2018.)